วันพุธที่ 30 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Autoresponders Your Online Messenger Service

There was a time when large cities relied almost exclusively on messenger services. Page services are still used by government officials, among other things, to run errands and to provide important documents and correspondence.

Even in cities like New York City, you will still have some messenger services flowing through traffic on bikes messages to be transmitted, as they for their customers.

The role of messengers has a long and storied past. In many ways, their role has an online counterpart foundin the form of autoresponders.

This function is used by online businesses, because they believe the customer is important enough to be personal service, no matter how busy can make the site owner.

This e-mail messenger who is not only an important part of online business, but also a way to let customers know that you keep them for VIP's.

Establishment of contacts

You can take the function of an autoresponder by signing up for a serviceor see website or check with your web designer builder service to see if you autoresponder available. Technical support should be able to perform a specific installation problems or questions about applications on the "messenger" service in context.

What can I say

It is important, what information you want your customers to send and sent to determine at what point this information. For example, you can send an autoresponder immediately following a confirmedSale. You can also use an automated message when someone sends a request via e-mail when a product has been delivered, or as a follow-up to enable the customer to give feedback on the service you provided and the product that they bought. Autoresponder Each message is unique in the application.

Any other tricks?

Autoresponders can also be used to deliver an online ecourse for those times when the information is a part of your marketing strategy. You can use a systematicNumber of messages for your clients that are sent to a time-released basis. Most services allow a client to start receiving the messages at any time. In other words, a customer could receive the last message in an autoresponder ecourse, while others can be a consumer's first recording. It all depends on the customer signing up date.

Importance Simplified

It can be difficult to try to keep track of every e-mail and manage each piece of correspondence. In today's competitiveOnline customers are the world, a confirmation e-mails used to stand in the shopping context. Autoresponder you can have to meet that a simplistic and practical manner. It was designed to make businesses more easily and it lives up to its design.

Why "Start now?

When you become a company that is a web presence for a long period, you may have to live without has used an autoresponder, but if your business grows, it becomes increasingly difficult to manage confirmations and follow-up.If you are not in a position to address these questions, you can either personally use an autoresponder or you can reduce your ability to manage customer service to maintain.

You have to communicate and it must be delivered. Allow autoresponders to be your primary courier.

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 24 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Houston Schools New Teacher Merit Pay Program - Will It Help or Hinder?

Measurement of student achievement through rigorous national tests has a standard in Texas for many years. Houston schools have conducted their first merit pay program for teachers in 2000.

Houston schools believe the old program was too deep and incentives unanimously passed the new model in January, making it the largest merit pay program in the nation. The officials believe the new program rewards teachers more committed to students and improvingindividual teacher's efforts. Although no research has been conducted on the impact of such programs to improve student performance, were other programs in New York, Denver and Kentucky tried with varying success.

Houston entrepreneurs who have an interest in the completion of future employees who are service providers to support $ 14.5 million of the new Houston schools "-have program.

Houston school teacher incentives are on three components:

• The first component is based on the amountimproving the public school, a test results, as with the results of 40 other schools across the state with similar demographic composition;

• The second compares student progress with the 10 Stanford Achievement Test and its Spanish equivalent for students in the same classrooms and schools, Houston

• The third component compares student progress with the national Texas assessment of knowledge and skills to demonstrate similar Houston schools classrooms.

About half of the 12,300Teachers in schools, Houston claim to have received awards in all three categories, possibly a total of $ 3000 per deserve. The 305 schools, Houston authorities are entitled to as much as $ 6,000 each earn if they can reach the best teachers. Each of the 19 schools, Houston "executive head teacher and five regional superintendents are for up to $ 25,000 in consideration.

With 210,000 children, Houston schools, the largest district in the state, and its new program is not withoutOpposition.

Teachers unions are usually charged against teachers merit programs, and the Houston Federation of Teachers is no exception. The Union represents 40 percent of the schools, teachers and Houston believes across-the-board raises and a higher wage-price for new teachers would be more successful in raising student achievement scores. Houston schools new teachers start at $ 36,050 (the lowest in the top ten counties in Texas), and the wages of current Houston schools, teachersare at the lower end of the school in the country.

Many teachers have complained that the program deals with art teachers, and other subjects not covered by the testing process. The program includes special education, preschool and kindergarten teachers who are the backbone for improving the academic performance of children from families with low incomes. In addition, many teachers believe that forcing them to participate in the testing requirement rather than focusing on teaching real academicPerformance.

The new program has also opened up old wounds and increases the tension in the final merit pay program and its effect on the test results that are the basis for a suspended recently laid fraud scandal. The Texas Education Agency investigated the Houston schools and other districts in 1999 because of suspicious test results. Houston schools approved last year found that evidence of fraud was at four schools and testing irregularities were found at sevenother. Finally, six teachers were dismissed and more clients have been demoted or reprimanded, leave the city and frustrated by the merit pay program and its ensuing crush results.

Although the new Houston schools, teacher merit pay program sounds good in theory, it seems that it has expanded in practice the same old problems with the previous program.

This information is brought to you by Houston schools www.schoolsk 12.com

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วันจันทร์ที่ 14 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Free Broadband Internet Access? It's out There

Most people do not know who is currently getting "HiSpeed" Internet access for nothing. The fact is that most of us who believe, free broadband Internet access is available. How does it take?

The answer is yes. Internet Service Providers (ISPs) do not want to be known, and for good reason. They know that people do not pay for everything they can charge.

"The people have all the options before they know opt for Hi-speed Internet access to pay," says AllanChristopher, Public Affairs Director for BB Communications. "You have to know what their choices before they buy it and most people do not want free broadband internet access is available everywhere now know to decide."

In fact, according to a recent report by the U.S. Department of Commerce, made about 32% of households never been a United States internet access. When asked, a large number of people in these households should be noted that the main reasonShe was never online, it was "too expensive".

Many people who are already online believe that the only way to get fast Internet access free to illegally "hack" into a cable modem, DSL modem or other piece of electronic equipment in some way to defeat their security measures. "That could not be further from the truth," said Allan recognize, that this is a widespread misconception.

"It's about time the truth comes out. Everyone should know aboutrapid availability of free internet access, so they make an informed decision about it. "

วันอังคารที่ 8 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

ADHD Tied to Brain's Reward Pathway

By Jennifer Warner
WebMD Health News

Sept. 8, 2009 -- A problem in the brain's reward center may be behind symptoms like inattention associated with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder ( ADHD).

New research suggests this dysfunction in the brain's reward pathway interferes with how people experience reward and motivation. Dopamine is a chemical in the brain essential to normal functioning of the nervous system.

"These deficits in the brain's reward system may help explain clinical symptoms of ADHD, including inattention and reduced motivation, as well as the propensity for complications such as drug abuse and obesity among ADHD patients," says researcher Nora Volkow, MD director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse, in a news release.

ADHD is a childhood psychological disorder that may also persist into adulthood and affects 3%-5% of American adults.

Researchers say the results offer new insight into ADHD as well as help explain why people with ADHD may be more likely to abuse drugs or become obese.

The study, published in TheJournal of the American Medical Association, used positron emission tomography (PET) brain scans to measure markers of the brain's dopamine system in 53 non-medicated adults with ADHD and a comparison group of 44 healthy adults.

The results showed that compared to the healthy adults, those with ADHD had a reduction of dopamine receptors and transporters in two regions of the brain involved in processing reward and motivation.

"This pathway plays a key role in reinforcement, motivation, and in learning how to associate various stimuli with rewards," says Volkow. "Its involvement in ADHD supports the use of interventions to enhance the appeal and relevance of school and work tasks to improve performance."

"Our results also support the continued use of stimulant medications -- the most common pharmacological treatment for ADHD -- which have been shown to increase attention to cognitive tasks by elevating brain dopamine," Volkow says.